Indoor Jungle: The Best Big Indoor Plants And Floor Plants

Our Top 10 Picks For The Best Large Indoor Floor Plants

Little potted plants are nice, but if you want to really up your indoor jungle game then it’s time to consider adding large floor plants to your indoor plant repertoire. Tall floor plants are a statement in and of themselves, and are a great way to add a substantial amount of greenery to your home. To help you get started on your tall indoor plant journey, we’ve put together a list of our picks for the ten best big indoor plants. Keep reading for a quick overview of each plant, along with care tips and general information.

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big floor plants

Fishtail Palm (Caryota urens)

Add some tropical vibes to your home with the interestingly shaped ruffled foliage of the Fishtail Palm. Native to the forests of India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka, this tropical palm prefers high humidity and a warm spot in your home. When kept indoors, they can reach heights of up to 10 feet tall if their surroundings and planter permit. They do best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees, and require bright indirect sunlight to thrive. Feed this palm monthly during the summer months, and water when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch. Don’t let the soil dry completely, but make sure not to overwater or you may risk root rot.
large indoor plants

Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

With a unique braided trunk, this little tree is a beautiful addition to any plant loving home. These Central and South American natives can reach heights of up to six feet tall indoors, making for a large indoor floor plant with a very unique look. Money trees enjoy plenty of bright indirect sunlight, and prefer a more humid environment. As tropical natives, they are sensitive to drafts and very dry air, and prefer temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees. Keep your money tree in well-draining potting mix and in a planter with plenty of drainage holes, and ensure that the top layer of soil has dried before watering again.
tall indoor plants

Dwarf Umbrella Tree (Schefflera arboricola)

This hardy little tree features beautifully arranged leaves, hence its namesake, and comes in both solid and variegated varieties. It is great as a floor plant, and when mature can reach a height of four to five feet tall when grown indoors. Umbrella trees prefer bright indirect light, but will grow (albeit slower) in lower light conditions as well. Originating from Taiwan, this little tree prefers temperatures no less than 60 degrees, but will tolerate slightly lower temperatures for short periods of time. Keep away from air conditioning vents and drafty windows, as this plant is sensitive to cold drafts.
big indoor plants

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa)

The Monstera, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, has been a staple on the indoor plant scene for a long time and for good reason. This Central American native features large dramatic leaves with characteristic holes, hence it’s common name, and can grow to around eight feet tall when kept indoors. These big floor plants prefer plenty of bright but indirect light and a regular watering schedule. Keep them in a well-draining heavy pot that can support their height and weight, water only when the soil has dried from the previous watering, and try to maintain a temperature of 65 to 85 degrees year-round. To keep your Monstera happy and healthy, give each leaf a monthly wipe down with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust and prevent pests.
tall floor plants

Yucca (Yucca elephantipes)

These striking plants hail from the arid regions of Central and South America and can reach heights of up to seven feet tall indoors. These plants are actually a type of succulent, able to store water for longer periods of time, which makes them very drought (and neglect) resistant. They are very tolerant of temperature changes, don’t particularly mind dry air, and while they prefer bright direct sunlight, they will also tolerate lower lighting conditions. Yuccas are slow growing, and require well-draining soil and a well-draining planter. Water infrequently and only when the soil has dried from the previous watering so as to not waterlog the roots.
large floor plants

Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

The Kentia Palm is a very hardy houseplant native to Lord Howe Island off the coast of Australia. Their rich green pointy foliage makes them the perfect addition to any indoor plant garden, and they can reach heights of up to 12 feet tall indoors if their surroundings and planter allow. These tough palms are very drought resistant and while they prefer bright indirect light, will also tolerate low light conditions. Keep away from direct sunlight, however, and pot in well-draining soil to ensure that the roots do not become waterlogged. The Kentia Palm will tolerate temperatures as low as 25 degrees and as high as 100 degrees, and are a generally low-maintenance house plant. Feed once or twice during the growing season with a slow release fertilizer, water when the soil has dried out, and enjoy your beautiful and low-maintenance palm!
floor plants

Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica)

Another beloved classic, with proper care and sufficient space the Rubber Tree can grow to become an impressively big and tall floor plant. These plants are native to south and southeast Asia, and thrive in bright indirect light. They prefer temperatures of 60 to 75 degrees, but can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees. They are sensitive to dry air, and prefer consistently moist soil during the growing months. Feed every two weeks during the growing season, mist if the air becomes very dry, and wipe down the leaves once a month to keep pests at bay and keep your Rubber Tree looking its best.
best large indoor plants

Olive Tree (Olea europaea)

Although it is less frequently seen as an indoor floor plant, the olive tree is a beautiful and striking plant that brings a bit of the Mediterranean into your home. Outdoors, olive trees can grow to 30 feet tall, but for an indoor floor plant choose the dwarf variety of the Olea europaea. These trees require at least six hours of sunlight a day, and prefer well-draining soil. They are very sensitive to overwatering, so allow the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. Drench thoroughly with each watering, allow excess water to drain completely, and empty any water left in the saucer so that your olive tree doesn’t sit in a pool of water. To keep your indoor olive tree from growing too big and tall, prune during the spring and summer month to encourage bushier growth and keep its height in check.
best tall indoor plants

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

With their dramatic large leaves and striking flowers, the bird of paradise is a favorite both as a big and tall indoor floor plant and as an attractive and colorful outdoor plant. Indoors, these South Africa natives will likely not produce their renowned flowers, but will certainly hold their own with their impressive height – up to 11 feet tall if their surroundings allow! These plants are relatively hardy, but are sensitive to very dry air and drafts. They prefer temperatures of 65 to 85 degrees, and require regular watering once the top layer of soil has dried. Feed every two weeks during the growing months, and keep an eye out for browned leaf edges as they can be a sign of high levels of salt in the soil. If this happens, give the soil a good soak and allow it to drain through, then proceed to water with distilled water or rainwater.
best big indoor plants

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

Though it might not have the prettiest name, the corn plant (unrelated to the plants that produce edible corn) is a unique looking plant that can reach heights of up to 6 feet tall indoors. These plants are native to the tropical regions of Africa, and prefer bright indirect light and plenty of humidity. Maintain consistently moist soil during the growing months, but reduce the frequency of watering during the winter months when the plant is dormant. Corn plants prefer temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees, but will tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees.

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